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Thursday 2nd March, 2023

I just won an award for making $10,000,000 over the last 5 years,
called the ‘Two Comma Club X’ award

Crazy to think, 5 years ago, I lived with my parents, had about £13K to my name, a second-hand Volkswagen Polo, was pulling in a few £500-ish DJ gigs a month, whilst slowly realising music would never provide the freedom and wealth I dreamed of, and was trading in my spare time in the hopes of “one day, getting rich”.

Fast-forward 5 years, I’m a multi-millionaire, living in my dream apartment overlooking the ocean in Dubai, with a seven-figure real estate portfolio, an eight-figure e-learning company, sixteen members of staff, etc. Turns out, dreams do come true.

Anyway, “journey” stuff aside, I want to share 6 things that got me here, to help you get here, or something similar, yourself:

1: If you want to get up to eight figs, you need to run a real business, like a real business. I know a large handful of ‘offer owners’ who can chuck up ads, a funnel etc and make a couple million, but i’ve only ever seen one or two of those people pass $10M. They usually get to the $2M or $3M range and either quit, or jump-ship and start a new offer and/or head into a new niche. 

Nothing wrong with that. Hey, a few million is all that some people want.

But if you want to build a real, true, long-term, saleable eight-figure company, you’ll need management in-place, a bookkeeper and accountant, an offer structure or product-suite in-place involving up and down sells and/or a back-end, a great team who are all aligned and a culture-fit, pay-roll systems, tracking systems, a paid and an organic presence, an acquisition system that’s been battle-tested across multiple years etc.

Real shit.

2: You are the result of your 5 closest friends. If they’re broke losers, you’ll be the same. If they’re low-level-musicians making shit money and never progressing in health or wealth, you’ll be the same. If they’re alcoholic ‘weekend warriors’ working a rubbish job they hate, you’ll be the same…

Equally, if they’re successful entrepreneurs, you’ll be the same. If they’re deca-millionaire real estate investors, you’ll be the same. If they’re owners of eight to nine fig software companies, you’ll be the same.

If you’re 5 closest friends are above you, they’ll pull you up. If they’re below you, they’ll pull you down. Choose wisely

3: Never settle for less than your dream outcome. If you dream of being a millionaire but you achieve a $75K a year income, don’t settle. Keep building, keep investing, keep researching, keep learning and growing. Is $75K a year good? Debatable. Is $75K a year your dream? No, your dream is millionaire status, so never settle, keep building. Again; Never settle for less than your dream outcome.

4: Team is everything. I honestly feel so lucky to work with the team I have, in both my real estate company and my e-learning company. I’ve learned the difference that hiring great people, and just good, respectful humans, makes to a company. It puts your business on a whole other level. It also puts somewhat of a moat around it, because building a fantastic team is so difficult i.e. interviewing, selecting, ramping, training, managing, retaining etc.

I even flew my team out, all expenses paid, for our first team holiday a couple of months ago to show my gratitude to them. Bringing everyone together like that has only cemented our culture, values, and further fuelled our mission of serving our clients at the highest level. ire slow, fire fast. Culture and values first.

5: No plan? No achievement. You must, must, must plan. In excruciating detail. What you want to achieve or attain. If you do not have a plan, you will not—One hundred percent will not—Achieve what you dream of achieving. Imagine getting in a car and not having a destination to drive to. Ridiculous. That is you right now, if you don’t have a plan; You’re just driving aimlessly to nowhere in particular
And you’ll get there: Nowhere.

I planned to achieve this $10,000,000 goal, and I planned in-detail. By the year, by the quarter, by the month and by the team-member and their earnings contribution in revenue, in cash etc. Everything. In excruciating detail In other words, i got in the car with a map, and a clear end destination, and i got there. Do the same.

6: Invest in coaches, programs, courses, masterminds. Pour capital into this. I've spent way over $250,000 over the years on everything from Sam Ovens Quantum mastermind, to Alex Beckers Iron mastermind, to Cole Gordons 8-Figure Boardroom mastermind, to many courses in-between. I simply would not have won this award without their knowledge and guidance and support. As the saying goes; "If you are not making the money you want to make, it's likely because you don't yet know how to". Find someone above you, and pay them to pull you up to that level. A great coach or mentor or mastermind a cheat-code. Stop playing on hard-mode unnecessarily.

I hope that helps. – Will.


There were a few points I wrote out but then deleted because honestly, they are too valuable and impactful to give away publicly en-masse. If you’d like to learn those, and get my help implementing all of this stuff to dramatically grow your business, book in a Zoom call with me and I'll lend a hand.

That's everything, I'll keep this page updated with new blog posts every now and then. Until the next one, follow me on Instagram, here.

That's all I've done in life so far, but I'll keep this page updated if I do anything else. Until then, follow me on Instagram, here.

Thursday 2nd March, 2023

I just won an award for making $10,000,000 over the last 5 years, called the ‘Two Comma Club X’ award

Crazy to think, 5 years ago, I lived with my parents, had about £13K to my name, a second-hand Volkswagen Polo, was pulling in a few £500-ish DJ gigs a month, whilst slowly realising music would never provide the freedom and wealth I dreamed of, and was trading in my spare time in the hopes of “one day, getting rich”.

Fast-forward 5 years, I’m a multi-millionaire, living in my dream apartment overlooking the ocean in Dubai, with a seven-figure real estate portfolio, an eight-figure e-learning company, sixteen members of staff, etc.

Turns out, dreams do come true.

Anyway, “journey” stuff aside, I want to share 5 things that got me here, to help you get here, or something similar, yourself:

1: If you want to get up to eight figs, you need to run a real business, like a real business. I know a large handful of ‘offer owners’ who can chuck up ads, a funnel etc and make a couple million, but i’ve only ever seen one or two of those people pass $10M. They usually get to the $2M or $3M range and either quit, or jump-ship and start a new offer and/or head into a new niche.

Nothing wrong with that.

Hey, a few million is all that some people want.

But if you want to build a real, true, long-term, saleable eight-figure company, you’ll need management in-place, a bookkeeper and accountant, an offer structure or product-suite in-place involving up and down sells and/or a back-end, a great team who are all aligned and a culture-fit, pay-roll systems, tracking systems, a paid and an organic presence, an acquisition system that’s been battle-tested across multiple years etc.

Real shit.

2: You are the result of your 5 closest friends. If they’re broke losers, you’ll be the same. If they’re low-level-musicians making shit money and never progressing in health or wealth, you’ll be the same. If they’re alcoholic ‘weekend warriors’ working a rubbish job they hate, you’ll be the same…

Equally, if they’re successful entrepreneurs, you’ll be the same. If they’re deca-millionaire real estate investors, you’ll be the same. If they’re owners of eight to nine fig software companies, you’ll be the same.

If you’re 5 closest friends are above you, they’ll pull you up. If they’re below you, they’ll pull you down. Choose wisely.

3: Never settle for less than your dream outcome. If you dream of being a millionaire but you achieve a $75K a year income, don’t settle. Keep building, keep investing, keep researching, keep learning and growing. Is $75K a year good? Debatable. Is $75K a year your dream? No, your dream is millionaire status, so never settle, keep building. Again; Never settle for less than your dream outcome.

4: Team is everything. I honestly feel so lucky to work with the team I have, in both my real estate company and my e-learning company. I’ve learned the difference that hiring great people, and just good, respectful humans, makes to a company. It puts your business on a whole other level. It also puts somewhat of a moat around it, because building a fantastic team is so difficult i.e. interviewing, selecting, ramping, training, managing, retaining etc.

I even flew my team out, all expenses paid, for our first team holiday a couple of months ago to show my gratitude to them. Bringing everyone together like that has only cemented our culture, values, and further fuelled our mission of serving our clients at the highest level. ire slow, fire fast. Culture and values first.

5: No plan? No achievement. You must, must, must plan. In excruciating detail. What you want to achieve or attain. If you do not have a plan, you will not—One hundred percent will not—Achieve what you dream of achieving. Imagine getting in a car and not having a destination to drive to. Ridiculous. That is you right now, if you don’t have a plan; You’re just driving aimlessly to nowhere in particular
And you’ll get there: Nowhere.

I planned to achieve this $10,000,000 goal, and I planned in-detail. By the year, by the quarter, by the month and by the team-member and their earnings contribution in revenue, in cash etc. Everything. In excruciating detail In other words, i got in the car with a map, and a clear end destination, and i got there.

Do the same.

I hope that helps. – Will.


There were a few points I wrote out but then deleted because honestly, they are too valuable and impactful to give away publicly en-masse.

If you’d like to learn those, and get my help implementing all of this stuff to dramatically grow your business, book in a Zoom call with me and I'll lend a hand.

That's everything, I'll keep this page updated with new blog posts every now and then. Until the next one, follow me on Instagram, here.

That's everything.

I'll keep this page updated with new blog posts every now and then.

Until the next one, follow
me on Insta, here.